Catherine Page Harris
Associate Professor
Art and Ecology; Landscape Architecture
University of New Mexico
Art and Ecology; Landscape Architecture
University of New Mexico
Rosalea Monacella, AILA
Faculty Member
Landscape Architecture
Harvard University
Landscape Architecture
Harvard University
Gabriel Kaprielian
Assistant Professor
Temple University
Design and Innovation of Sustainable Cities Program
UC Berkeley
Temple University
Design and Innovation of Sustainable Cities Program
UC Berkeley
Mark Fretz
Interim Director
Institute for Health and the Built Environment
University of Oregon
Institute for Health and the Built Environment
University of Oregon
Michael Zaretsky, AIA
Head, Department of Architecture
Interim Director
School of Architecture and Environment
University of Oregon
Interim Director
School of Architecture and Environment
University of Oregon
Adrian Parr Zaretsky
College of Design
Senior Fellow
Design Futures Council
University of Oregon
Affiliate Faculty
University of Texas at Arlington
College of Design
Senior Fellow
Design Futures Council
University of Oregon
Affiliate Faculty
University of Texas at Arlington